Is the Real Life Membership Right for Me?

  1. Is the Real Life membership open to people new to Relational Life Therapy (RLT)?

We naturally like to go as deep as possible in our calls, however, we appreciate that some folks might be new to the RLT model and terminology. This is why Terry has handpicked our senior RLT therapists and educators to host two live monthly interactive calls to clarify any questions regarding the model or teachings of RLT. Everyone is invited to these calls. Of course, we hope everyone gets inspired to take the RLT Level 1 training if they haven’t already, but that is optional.

  1. I’m highly experienced in the RLT model, is this relevant to me?

Yes—this community is designed to help you continually grow as a therapist as you develop your RLT skills and knowledge. We appreciate that everyone in the community is at different stages of their journey, so we have one call with Terry each month exclusively for those who have completed the RLT Certification. This will allow you to explore the model in greater depth, reflecting your extensive RLT knowledge. 

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