Courses That Offer CEUs

  1. Which courses offer CEUs?

Most of our courses designed for professional development and training will offer CEU options when you attend LIVE. These are courses such as RLT Levels 1, 2, 3. The CEUs can be purchased through our third party company that handles all of our CEU purchasing, Cassidy Seminars. 

Some of our courses designed for the general public such as Relational Parenting, Healing Relationships Summit, US Workshop series, etc, will not offer CEU’s. Please refer to the detailed CEU page in the FAQ section of the course’s advertisement page.

  1. Do I have to attend live in order to obtain the CEUs?

Yes, our CEUs are provided by a third-party company, Cassidy Seminars, and their policy is that those looking to obtain CEUs must attend the courses live. 

  1. Are there any pre-recorded courses for which I can receive CEUs?

We do have several exceptions for pre-recorded courses which have CEUs available for taking a quiz and scoring 75% or higher. The courses for which we have the quiz CEU option are as follows:

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