How Certification can Impact Your Practice

  1. We asked our Faculty members what being Certified in RLT has meant to them. We asked them "How has this helped your professional journey and your work with clients?"

Desirae Ysasi: “1) Learning this incredible model that has not only transformed the way I work with clients to improve their relationships, but also has transformed the way I relate to my partner and all the other people in my life. 2) This model has made my work with clients more effective so my word of mouth referrals has increased exponentially and I have a full practice. I have more referrals than I am able to see. 3) I  am a member of an incredible professional community of relationally-focused practitioners. 4) More professional opportunities  continue to present themselves with the ability to teach, present, and lead workshops (these opportunities come after advanced, post-certification training has been completed”.

Cathy Hill: “After training in Gottman and in EFT I found RLT provided a much more comprehensive framework for working with really challenging couples, especially because it covers so many different lenses through which both the therapist and the clients can see their patterns and struggles.  It is also a very progressive model of therapy that helps me feel like I am practicing my values in an impactful way.”

Bonny Slim: “For me, reading the book How Do I Get Through to You sparked my interest in RLT, in part because of my work with couples, but also because it resonated with me personally and relationally. There is no easier thing to teach or counsel than something we fully believe in and practice each day. The work in my own marriage benefited both of us and the fortunate recipients of that work were our children. I believe they, in turn, picked relational partners themselves. RLT has a ripple effect because the very practice of these skills leads to embodying these skills- and that impacts every relationship we have.  On the professional side, the best way to build a practice is to do any couples therapy at all (because very few  therapists will touch it). But the best way to build a really successful and impactful practice is to do couples therapy well. The RLT model offers a map for doing couples therapy well! In addition to word-of-mouth referrals by clients and therapists alike, there are also regular referrals that come from the Therapist Map and these are increasing all the time. It is true that many of us spend time triaging referrals to other therapists so we need more certified therapists!”

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