Case Reviews

  1. Where can Therapists find the full information about the Case Reviews?

For the full information, please follow this link.

  1. Where can Coaches find the full information about the Case Review?

For the full information, please follow this link.

  1. When does the first Case Review take place? (Therapists and Coaches)

Around months 10-12, you’ll enter your small group mentoring to cement your skills. We recommend taking your chosen special topic course at this time. The final step is your case review (a client session recording plus commentary on how you used RLT). Once successfully reviewed, you will become an RLT Certified Relational Coach.

  1. When does the second Case Review take place? (Therapists only)

Around months 16-18 it’s time to join your second group mentoring and take your chosen special topic course. The final step is submitting your second case review (a session recording with a couple plus commentary on how you used RLT). Once successfully reviewed, you will become an RLT Certified Couples Therapist.

  1. Can I record the Case Review in a language that isn't English?

You could either caption the video or provide a transcript. Currently, all faculty members are native English speakers and none are bilingual.

  1. Can the Case Review video be longer than the suggested 30-40 minutes?

Our Faculty asks that the Certification Students adhere to the time frames listed and do not go over the 40 minute mark.

  1. Is it possible for me to submit the sessions in their entirety and then communicate to you the time segments I want reviewed? I can also submit one session with this couple and outline the 35-40 minute segment if that's more compatible with your preference?

A person can tell us the time stamps to watch. But we either watch one 30-40 recording or two 15-20 recordings. We will not review multiple time stamps such as 5 minutes here then fast forward and watch 7 minutes there.

  1. Do you have some language or verbiage I can use to make the recording request of my clients?

While good language will help make this request easier, the most important factor is you as the therapist/coach feel about asking.

If the therapist/coach is very uncomfortable, even the “right” words, may not create the sense of safety required. If the therapist/coach is able to get themselves into a place of feeling confident (or at least ok) about asking, the clients very often go along with the request (this is why therapists and coaches need to be aware of power dynamics in therapeutic relationships, generally).

For the most part, when therapists/coaches say something clear and straightforward, a surprising majority of clients agree to be recorded. One Example: “I’m working on certification in RLT and one of the requirements is that I submit samples of the RLT work I’m doing with couples. Would you be open to me recording our session together?”

When you approach clients to request their permission to record the sessions, it helps to be clear about the purpose of the recording: To allow you to reflect on your work, develop your skill as a Therapist, and as a requirement for the final step of your RLT certification process.

You should be clear that some of the recording may be shared (via HIPPA compliant methods) with RLI faculty and with fellow students in small group experiences that are not recorded. The focus of the listening will be on the coach or therapists skills and not on the client content.

It's helpful to let your client know why you're asking for a recording and explain that this is about you improving the quality of your work. It is recommended to record several couples and multiple sessions for your own review and learning, for use in the small group mentoring and for case review. It may be helpful to let clients know that if there is a particular session that they do not want shared, you will delete it.

  1. Is professional liability insurance necessary for the Case Reviews?

This is not necessary to begin your training, but proof of professional liability insurance is required when you submit your Case Review for certification and to receive your listing on the RLT website.

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